Download the open source code and use it your own way.
GridGuyz Open Source is published in a GitHub repository under Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0. This open source version is constantly being updated with new features, new plugins (we call them APPz) by various contributors, a Collaboration-Minded Society we are proud of.
Are you a rock HARD player? Then download and install the code >>>

The GRID wants you!

Opportunity Ahead
With GridGuyz Open Source Platform you can tap into unlimited opportunities. Use the platform your own way. Customize it, write extensions to it, get the well deserved recognition and...

Make Money
Here is how:

1. When you create a great app, let us know
2. We will review it and feature it in our APPz Gallery
3. The APP will start generating PERKz for you right away.
4. Use or monetize your PERKz at your discretion.

Our Resources For You
We have an arsenal of resources at your disposal in order for you to become a successful contributor.

We have a set of requirements based on which we qualify the submitted APPz:

  • Clean Code - the code must be clear, clean, lean and commented
  • Model-View Controller (MVC) pattern awareness
  • Unit Test
  • Documented - Each successful APP will have a documentation incorporated into our documentation.

NOTE: A solid Zend Framework knowledge is required!

Good Luck and Welcome to the Grid!


 APPz Submission